We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.
Clinics are held at Marston Forest Healthcare by appointment for those patients who are unable to attend Bedford Hospital. As well as blood tests taken for diagnosis, drug monitoring is also provided eg. INR for warfarin dosing
Maternity care antenatal clinics
We hold weekly antenatal clinics in conjunction with our midwives based at Bedford Hospital at Cranfield Surgery.
First contact practitioners
Weekly clinics are held at Cranfield Surgery with advanced physiotherapists who are based within the circle integrated care service. This is by appointment only for any patient over the age of 18 with musculoskeletal related issues (muscles, bones and joints).
Child health clinic
Developmental checks and immunisations are performed.
Family planning
Family planning appointments are available at all surgeries.
Diabetic clinic
Specialist practice nurses run diabetic clinics by invitation. They also provide advice on diabetic control, diet and smoking.
Asthma and COPD clinic
Our patients are offered regular appointments with the specialist asthma nurse. The nurse provides an assessment and full explanation of treatment, including teaching correct inhaler techniques.
Heart save clinic
These clinics are run by specialist coronary heart disease nurses.
We are offer an annual check up with the practice nurse for patients with a past history of stroke or transient ischaemic attack (ministroke). Patients will be invited to attend by the nurse.
Minor surgery
Our GPs carry out minor surgical procedures at Marston Surgery by appointment only. Patients must have a clinical discussion with a GP prior to booking a minor surgery appointment.
Minor illness clinic
The minor illness nurses have undergone a special period of higher training and are now able to run a minor illness clinic for conditions such as viruses, rashes etc.
Influenza vaccination
We offer a flu vaccination service in October every year to those patients who are at particular risk of influenza. These include patients over the age of 65 years, diabetics and those with chronic chest, heart or kidney problems. We do not recommend a routine vaccination for fit and healthy adults.
Outreach services
Services include counselling, psychiatry, drug misuse and hearing advice.
Travel clinics
We are able to provide some vaccinations (but not all) for travel on the NHS.
Please note that on occasions, due to global shortages, we may not be able to obtain supplies.