We are pleased to announce that what was once purely a virtual group, communicating via email & letter, will now also be a group that meets face to face on a regular basis.
What does a Patient Participation Group do?
At its simplest, the group refers to patients who wish to take a more active interest in developing local healthcare services. The idea is for patients and staff to work together to share ideas to help patients to take more responsibility for their own health and help improve the services offered at the practice. It gives patients a say in how services are planned, developed and evaluated, by developing a good working relationship with the practice staff and GPs. Not only will we discuss services provided by our own practice but we will be discussing health promotions and local healthcare initiatives.
How can I get involved?
There are several ways. Firstly you could choose to join our group that meets regularly to discuss key areas of concern or the provision of new services or facilities. The aim would be to set up a committee who would meet on a regular basis and help plan patient group meetings and the topics to be discussed. They would also assist the surgery with undertaking surveys etc.
Alternatively you could opt to join our reference group with whom we can gather information and exchange ideas via email or letter. This group would not meet in person but could consist of up to 150 patients making up a ‘virtual’ group. This second group would be contacted from time to time to assist the PPG in creating and conducting surveys or when we require input from a larger group of patients about new services or developments.
We are looking for patients in any age group, but particularly those with young children or teenagers, carers, patients with disabilities, as well as those with long term conditions such as asthma, hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes who may regularly use the services of the practice.
Join our Patient Participation Group
All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.
Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.
To join:
- fill out a Patient Participation Group registration form
- phone us on Cranfield Surgery 01234 766551 or Marston Surgery
Patient Participation Group meeting minutes
- PPG minutes 2nd August 2024 (PDF)
- PPG minutes 3rd May 2024 (PDF)
- PPG minutes 2nd February 2024 (PDF)
- PPG minutes 3rd November 2023 (PDF)
- PPG minutes 26th July 2023 (PDF)
- PPG minutes 20th April 2023 (PDF)
- PPG minutes 20th January 2023 (PDF)
- PPG minutes 7th October (PDF)
- PPG minutes 12th September (PDF)
- PPG minutes 27th July (PDF)
- PPG minutes 30th June (PDF)
- PPG minutes 28th April (PDF)