A letter to our Patients

Dear Patient

Some of you may have noticed either through our new website which we launched in September or through correspondence that we have sent to you that we are now calling ourselves Aspiro Healthcare which is Latin for Aspire. We will not be changing the names of each of our practice sites; these will remain as Hollybrook Medical Centre and Sinfin Health Centre.

As an organisation we are continuing to expand and now have practices in Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire as well as a practice in Alvaston. In total we look after 52,000 patients across 8 different practice sites. By being part of a larger organisation we have been able to develop teams of people to manage functions such as finance, people management and clerical work which is making us more efficient.

At Hollybrook Medical Centre we have undertaken some improvement works and now have a surgical suite, new consultation rooms and a remodelled reception area. We have just started work on the final phase of our development which will see improved staffing areas and further consultation rooms. We are continuing to have discussions with commissioners on options for improving our Sinfin Health Centre site.

Our reception staff have had some initial training on how to navigate patients to the right services or right clinician who can best meet the patients need. This is part of a national programme of work which aims to free up GP time, releasing about 5 per cent of demand for GP consultations in most practices. It makes more appropriate use of each team member’s skills and increases job satisfaction for receptionists. If done successfully it can also have benefits for patients by making it easier to get an appointment with the GP when they need it, and shortens the wait to get the right help. We have included a short guide with this letter on the different types of clinicians we now have in our team and what sorts of conditions the clinicians can treat. When you next book an appointment, try using the guide when requesting an appointment.

We are planning on installing some screens in our waiting area so that you are able to access our newly launched website. Our website has a number of functions which includes for example the ability to submit a request for a sick note, undertake an asthma review or access information on alternative services that are available locally. We aim to respond to all queries via our website within 2 working days.

Also within our waiting room is a machine which measures your height, weight and blood pressure, you can use this by asking for a token from our reception team. If you require regular blood pressure monitoring, try using the machine instead of having an appointment.

As we draw closer to the end of 2018, we would like to welcome all of our new patients that have joined us throughout the year.

The Hollybrook Medical Centre and Sinfin Health Centre Team